Registrar module for HostBill

    HostBill Registrar Plugin

    User Manual for Hostbill Registrar Plugin

    1 Installation

    The HostBill Registrar Plugin is shipped by default with HostBill. To enable it, you just need to access Settings > Modules, click on Domain modules on the left and then on Inactive.


    Locate DonDominio / on the list and click on Activate. Enter your API username and password and a name for the plugin (like DonDominio or MrDomain) and click on Add new App. Make sure that you haven't checked the API OT&E checkbox, otherwise the module will not work properly.


    2 Using the plugin

    Once enabled, access Settings > Products & Services and click on Domains. Select any existing TLD, click on the Registrar settings tab and select dondominio from the Third party app dropdown.


    Click on Save Changes to confirm the settings.

    3 More information

    You can find more information about this plugin on the HostBill official documentation.