With the free DonDNS script, you'll have your PC accessible from everywhere, even if your ISP changes your IP address on every connection.
Use one of your domains as a CNAME to access your PC from the Internet. You won't need to remember your IP address anymore.
Based on the 0.9.1 version from Borja Ruiz Castro (borja at libcrack.so)
You can download the necessary files directly from this link to GitHub and then follow these steps:
Install curl via ports (option 1)
cd /usr/ports/ftp/curl && make intall clean
Install curl via pkg (option 2)
pkg_add -vr curl
Create a user in the system
pw adduser dondomcli -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin
Install the DonDNS client
cp dondomcli.tcsh /usr/local/bin/
chown dondomcli:dondomcli /usr/local/bin/dondomcli.tcsh
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/dondomcli.tcsh
cp dondomcli.conf /usr/local/etc/
chown dondomcli:dondomcli /usr/local/etc/dondomcli.conf
chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/dondomcli.conf
Edit /usr/local/etc/dondomcli.conf
set DDUSER = "miusuario"
set DDPASSWORD = "miAPIkey"
set DDHOST = "misubdominio.midominio.com"
Add a CRON job to launch hourly the script with the dondomcli user:
echo '0 * * * * dondomcli /usr/local/bin/dondomcli.tcsh -c /usr/local/etc/dondomcli.conf' >> /etc/crontab
echo >> /etc/crontab